The Mitchell Family
I believe in Catholic education. I never realized the impact it had on me and importance of it until years AFTER the sacrifice my parents made -- when they educated all 8 (yes, eight!) of their children at Beckman Catholic High School in Dyersville, Iowa. (Go Trailblazers!)
Charlie and I are proud to be able to continue that tradition of catholic education for our two sons. It's our investment in THEM - rather than having the new cars or the vacations (that I know we could be having!)
I know without a doubt that praying with others everyday, in the classroom, is making a difference in our boys' lives. We are so lucky to have that opportunity at Marquette.
This is for sure -- when it comes to raising kids THESE DAYS we will take all the help we can get. Thanks to the entire Marquette family for loving our boys and keeping them in your prayers! It takes a village and we are lucky to be a part of the CRUSADER village.
Diane and Charlie Mitchell (sons Jake and Max)