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What is RaiseRight?

The RaiseRight is a new and enhanced version of the Scrip program.

SHOP or GIFT with RAISE RIGHT cards, and get a discount on your tuition!

To order, visit and register. Or contact Danielle Entwistle in the Advancement Office at 815-433-0125 ext. 1016.

Dana S., former parent of alumni Racer, are avid SCRIP users. They put hundreds of dollars in rebate credits on their tuition. 

Dana says “Frankly, I do not understand why every parent does not take advantage of this. It is a great way to get money off of your tuition. We have to eat and put gas in the car anyway.”

You can contribute to a Marquette student’s tuition, your parish or Marquette general tuition assistance without spending an extra penny!

RaiseRight is a Marquette Academy program in partnership with the 12 parishes that support our school.  You do not have to have a child in the Academy to participate. 70% of any earnings that your purchases produce will be directed to a beneficiary that you choose. Your choices are:

Marquette Academy tuition credit:  School families can accumulate credit towards their child’s tuition.  Credit is applied to your tuition statement on or about September 1, January 1 and April 1 each year.

Family Sponsor: You may choose to designate any specific family to receive tuition credit.

Here is how the program works:

You purchase a SCRIP card from us. There are hundreds to choose from.  You receive the face value of the card to spend like cash, and we pay a reduced amount for it, thus producing a “rebate” from your purchase.  You decide how we use 70% of the rebate profit.

Here is an example:

Purchase a Walgreens gift card for $100.  You get a $100 card to spend just like cash.  We pay $94 for the card, producing a $6 rebate profit.  The $6 profit is then split into three categories:

                                                                                          Profit Distribution

1.      *Beneficiary of your choice              70%                             $4.20

2.      SCRIP Administration                       10%                             $.60

3.      Tuition assistance                            20%                             $1.20


Now, imagine if you purchased RaiseRight cards not only for your prescriptions & drug store needs, but for gas, groceries, dining out, clothing, entertainment, lodging, travel, home improvements, gifts etc…You could easily contribute as much as $1,000 per year to your beneficiary without spending an extra penny!   That amounts to a substantial savings in tuition or parish assessments OR a nice contribution to your parish or school.  And, some portions of your contribution may be tax deductible!

When are the funds disbursed?

A payout of the program earnings will occur on or about September 1, January 1 and April 1 each year.   You will receive a statement itemizing the payout of earnings on your account.  *Note:  if you have designated a family other than your own as your beneficiary, you will not receive a statement.  Our software program automatically directs the funds to the beneficiaries' account, and the earnings are shown on the statement received by the supported family.  Payouts cannot be done at any other time of the year or on an individual basis.  If you find yourself leaving the Academy, and you are expecting a payout, you will need to designate another directed earnings choice for the funds you have earned.  Any funds left undesignated by the purchaser will be directed to MAETA.  Rebate earnings are NEVER paid directly to the purchaser.

For information on how and where to order CLICK HERE