The Jewett Family
Our venture into the family of Marquette began in 2009. Isaac needed somewhere to go to High School and I needed him to go someplace I felt would be safe and he wouldn't drown in a sea of people. For Isaac, smaller was better, we always felt that he did better in a smaller more controlled environment. We visited Marquette in April or May of 2009 and Isaac met Mr. Spandet. He was very helpful. We met the Marquette family and Isaac started school at Marquette in August of 2009. It was an adventure. Mary Jo and Sandy were so helpful Isaac's freshman year. They helped me to help him grow. Isaac was diagnosed with high ADHD when he was in 6th grade. It was hard and it was awful. Marquette helped us see it wasn't the end of the world. They helped us, helped him. They helped us teach him responsibility and respect. Marquette always made me feel they believed in my son. In years passed when things were rough I always felt that I was a bad parent on that "no one understood" at Marquette I NEVER felt that. When Isaac would get in trouble, and he did, I always felt that the Marquette family still believed in him. I was nervous when Brooke Rick took over, I thought, "Here we go again!" Change for Isaac was always hard and therefore, it was hard for me. I'm happy to say that because Brook already knew my Isaac, the transition went well. Isaac played football all four years, he ran track all four years, and he even qualified for state his Senior year.
I believe Isaac's success today is due to the people that God placed in our life through Marquette. Isaac graduates in May from James River Leadership College, he is studying youth ministry. Because of Isaac's success through Marquette, we have 2 daughters and a foster daughter who also attend. Kylie is a Senior this year, she is enrolled in the Running Start program and has done very well. Again the sense of family has helped her through her High School years. For my children, smaller is better. Kylie played basketball her Freshman year, but she really loves the Running Start program. Maggie is in 3rd grade. Maggie was adopted when she was 4! She had a rough time of adjustment and so again, the Marquette family helped. Again, smaller was better. The understanding there is great!
Brittany has lived with us for 3 years. We couldn't imagine her going anywhere else. Brittany has struggled in the past because of a rough past but again Marquette family helped. She loves it and we love that she's been able to attend there through a scholarship.
Marquette is family, and they let it be known! They show it in everything they do. They are welcoming, helpful, and accepting. Thank you Marquette!
The Jewett's